Practical Family Nutrition

Friday, December 26, 2008

Just Eat the Food

Earlier this month the Los Angles Times reported that "Vitamins Aren't a Cure All," I whole heartily agree. This article sites many very well managed, long term studies involving tens of thousands of participant where increasing a certain vitamin via a vitamin supplement did not protect the participants from an increase in certain chronic diseases. Also cited where studies where an increase in a vitamin from a supplement increase the likelihood of developing the disease (remember the study where Finnish smokers given beta carotene had more incidence of lung cancer?).

Food is smarter than us. It has been around for millions of years, nourishing us and the other living inhabitants of this world. It has evolved to provide us with exactly what we need, in combination with other of the plant's properties to aid in enhanced absorption of the vitamins, minerals and other plant nutrients (phytonutrients). Even those we have yet to isolate and name. The plant knows what it is doing, all we have to do is eat it.

So why are scientist working to replicate a specific nutrient and put it in a pill? It doesn't seem to be working. We know a diet of fruits, vegetables, low fat proteins, high fiber grains and healthy fats (vegetable fats) produces healthy individuals around the world. So much time, money and other resources are spent trying to out-do nature. We don't need to dissect the food. Just because our scientists have not "discovered" and named every component of a plant food doesn't mean it's not there. It is and when we eat it we reap the benefits. Why don't we just spend all of those research and marketing dollars spent on supplements on getting healthy fresh food to everyone. We would all be healthier and happier for it.

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