Practical Family Nutrition

Friday, September 12, 2008

Addiction to Political Polls and the Bath Room Scale

The bathroom scale and political polls have much in common. Both are used to give us information. The bathroom scale tells the user how much he or she weighs and can certainly warn of unhealthy or unexpected weight gain or loss. Political polls are used to judge the current popularity or approval rating of a candidate. Although both are tools, used too often or incorrectly they can do more harm than good.

So why are we constantly using polls and bath room scales? What are we hoping to discover? Can’t we think, see, feel, and judge for our selves? Do we need to know what everyone else thinks to decide how to vote or what to eat? It seems it just gives us something to obsess about, while avoiding the real issues. Let’s get in touch with what we know is right for our bodies, our minds, and our country. Use the bathroom scale and a political poll sparingly, as one of many tools towards creating a healthy body and a healthy country. A poll result is only a number created by the manipulations of math. Your weight is a number describing how much gravity you exert on the earth. Don’t let it control you. It’s only a number that will certainly change.

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