Practical Family Nutrition

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Simple and Savvy Strategies for Creating Health Eaters

I have not written here since March of 2007. Blogging got me thinking that instead of posting all of this information I should spend my time putting it in book form. Even with 2 children and working part time I managed to find enough 15 minute to 1 hour slots of free time in which to write. I am very proud, and relieved, to announce that my book will be available for purchase by June of this year. It is called: Simple and Savvy Strategies for Creating Healthy Eaters.

It is my belief that many of the parenting books and nutrition books on the market give us too much information. We don't need to become chefs, child psychologists, or nutritionist to feed our children and help them develop an emotionally healthy relationship with food. My book is just 128 pages long, including an index. It contains what you need to know to rear a healthy eater.

My web site is up,, even thought my book is not yet available for sale. But check it out, the more hits I get the faster others will be able to find it while searching for information.

As I have said just about all I want to say in this book, I will be blogging about current "popular" nutritional advice, especially as is pertains to children's and infant nutrition. I am also going to let you all in on the life of a nutritionist living with with a child who is stubborn, strong willed and has a strong preference for donuts, cookies, cake, candy and lemonade. This blog will really let you know how I combine being a mother, subjected to manipulation by her child, and creating a healthy eater.

PS: Once my book is published, I will be out and about selling it, let me know if you'd like a visit.